National Alliance of Community Economic Development Associations                  September 30, 2021

Federal News
Pivotal Weeks Ahead in Washington

Washington remains a flurry of activity. Action on the debt ceiling and FY2022 Federal Budget is required very soon to keep government agencies functioning. Additionally, the House of Representatives could vote as soon as today on the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Passed by the Senate by bipartisan votes, the bill would dedicate $1 trillion to America's transportation, water, and broadband infrastructure, among other uses.

Of most direct interest to community developers, a $3.5 trillion reconciliation package that passed through a House committee this month includes well over $300 billion in housing and community development investments and tax credits. What would this bill mean for community developers? NACEDA and our People & Places partners sent a letter to Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio, Chair of Senate Housing, Banking, and Urban Affairs Committee this week outlining how some of the new and existing funding could be distributed more equitably and enhance community power and accountability. Read our letter to the Committee.

NACEDA is working in a variety of coalitions to emphasize other parts of the reconciliation package, including the Neighborhood Homes Investment Act and the HOME Program.

Starts Monday! Register Now

RC Summit header

Resilient Communities: The National Forum launches Monday, October 4 with keynote remarks by Marcia L. Fudge, Secretary of HUD! Get a national perspective and learn about best practices that are advancing community prosperity. Sessions include:

  • Housing and Community Development in the National Spotlight
  • Arts and Community Development: Best Practices for Partnerships
  • Using "Multi-Solves" to take on the Housing and Climate Crises Simultaneously
  • Bridging the Racial Wealth Gap Through Home Ownership
  • Grounding Values – Telling New Stories about Community Development Corporations

Register by Friday, October 1 to get a care package with treats from minority-owned small businesses. All-inclusive registration gives you access to the Resilient Communities Forum on October 4-8 and the NACEDA Summit on October 18-20. Select NACEDA as your host organization to get the care package.

Member News 
Philadelphia’s Healthier Future

The Philadelphia Association of Community Development Corporations' (PACDC) work at the intersection of health and community development has been featured in Shelterforce magazine. This in-depth article examines PACDC’s early engagement in the area right up to their work on the 2019 Regional Community Health Needs Assessment with most local hospitals. “Our part was showing how hospitals could address social determinants of health by highlighting what CDCs were already doing,” reflected Garrett O’Dwyer of PACDC. “Our role was not playing broker or convener, but representing the community development sector, talking about how we could help break down silos between CDCs and hospitals.”

The Resilient Communities Forum and NACEDA Summit feature sessions on health partnerships. Community Development and Public Health as Pandemic Partners on October 5 and Cross-Sector Health Partnerships on October 20. On October 20, Elana Brochin of the Massachusetts Association of Community Development Corporations will speak on her work, followed by peer discussion for NACEDA members to discuss their health partnerships. All-inclusive registration provides access to all sessions.

Funding & Job Opportunities

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